Your Daily Fix Coffee
Full-time Vendor
Brendan Hynes & Crystal Peoples
Your Daily Fix Coffee is born of a love for coffee and community. Brendan, a career bomb disposal technician and explosives specialist with both the Canadian Army and SOF communities, and Crystal, who spent her career in service to children, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. As Brendan was being medically released from military service due to injuries, it was mutually decided that it was time to dedicate more time to family and our mutual love of coffee, while continuing to serve our community despite ‘finishing our service careers’.
We believe that businesses should be as much a part of the community as families, and that our shared values of service to others, community, and compassion can be amplified through business engagement. As such, we strive to associate only with other ethically run businesses, we operate as sustainably as we can, and we will always tie our business success to community action and philanthropic endeavors.
Cell: 613-253-4919
Email: yourdailyfixcoffee@gmail.com
CPFM Face Book: Your Daily Fix Coffee at the CP Farmers’ Market
Website: Your Daily Fix Coffee
Face Book: Your Daily Fix Coffee